Friday, October 16, 2015

For the female heart, from Jesus

I never imagined i would be able to live as i do now.  Oh how i longed for a close walk with Dad but sin, my bad choices, condemnation, lack of knowledge and pain kept me bound.  
struggled to be set free, and had no truth to guide me out and now my Maker and Father, my Saviour and Lover, My sweet Holy Spirit orchestrated a moment that left the enemy open mouthed  and empty handed as i was gripped from the dwelling place of  death by a Mercy greater than it all.  

All the men that i had sought that left me broken, all the people i had trusted too much, ALL the people that i myself had caused pain, He made a way out, He healed my shattered life, He restored joy unspeakable.  
He trained me and continues to train me in His righteousness. 
We were adulterous and unfaithful, fornicating laying in other mens beds while He longed for us to walk pure before Him, choosing money, sin and many things that were good at the time over Him who longed for us and breaking endless promises to change if He came through for us, and come through for us He did and remaining in sin we did,  and when it destroyed us can you imagine He was there to get us out?? When we cried endless unseen tears in our bedrooms by night and in our bathrooms by day, guess who stayed by our side through the night and then made a way out. 
He IS faithful, loving and Absolutely incredible 
HE GOT ME OUT, He washed me, ardorned me
indeed and crowned me, can you believe He would do these things??????  I can so relate to the adulterous woman they wanted to stone and yet our King stood in the way at her point of death, every tongue that rose against her in condemnation fell for her sake 
I can relate to the women that washed Jesus' feet with her hair and tears, i envy and salute her, oh for the chance to express the depth of my gratitude to Jesus.  

How about the woman at the well, and the one with an issue of blood?  Oh What He has done to our feminine hearts, it is no wonder when the other disciples hid, his female disciple snuck out,  she followed the lover of her soul, her king to the grave to minister to him in "death" at risk of her own life. And oh how she must have felt, the first to meet Him alive!
I can't and won't help it, im deeply in love and so shall I stay because He stayed no matter what I put Him through and patiently he waited for us to love Him back.  I DO. 
To all the feminine hearts reading this, I've never met a man so loving.  If you have made that wise decision to give Him your heart completely salute.  

To those that have been born again for years and are still compromising living a Lukewarm Christianity, continuing in sin like I was, sacrifice is your answer, sacrifice everything For Him, it's the best thing that could ever happen to you, the abuse of grace is more a journey to death and destruction than the journey of sin because at least the third group will realize they need help, the lukewarm walk is blinded to their need to change drastically as they believe grace is their ticket out, Grace was never meant to be a lifestyle, righteousness was, go forth and sin no more.

To those ladies who haven't accepted Christ, maybe you have given up on yourself, maybe you feel that with the damage done no good can come, hear me when I say satan is a big fat liar.  God did worked with me when I finally just took the decision to give it all and trust that He can fix my mess.  He did fix it.  

So give it all! 
No disease, amounts of abortions, numbers of men you slept with, people you have manipulated, unkind acts, dishonesty, adulteries, drugs, abuses, prostitution, rejection, disobedience,  thefts, bondage, slavery, Listen there is Nothing that Jesus isn't willing to forgive and there is nowhere Jesus isn't willing to go for you, so if you are in the last two categories caught up with no way out, run baby run to Jesus and surrender your whole life to Him and watch what He will do with you! 

Read Isaiah 54 and let the king of mercy work on You, may the grace of God protect the seed of life planted in your heart today. 

If you have taken this decision and you need to talk, you can find 
faithful servants of Christ waiting to share the truth we found   message in:

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